Take an English language course through Cevora!

Open offer English

Boost your English for free with Cevora.

Cevora is the training centre of Joint Committee 200, which includes nearly 60,000 companies and 500,000 employees in Belgium. Thanks to the annual membership fee, Cevora offers financial support for training courses.

For more than 20 years BLCC and Cevora have been loyal partners for language training. Thanks to Cevora thousands of employees from Joint Committee 200 have already taken a free BLCC language course in recent years. 

You too can register for a free English language course within our offer:

  • Speak more fluently (online group lessons).
  • Speak more fluently (classical group lessons).
  • Learn quickly (online workshops on specific professional topics).

Would you like to boost your English too?

Discover our full Cevora offer and register today!
Overview dates

English training dates.

Discover all dates & locations for our English language courses through Cevora.

Found a match? Register today for your language training!


Speak more fluently (online).

Combination of online group lessons (15 hours), individual online coaching (5 hours) and a self-study track (min. 5 hours) before, during and after each session.

We focus on your overall oral skills.

For the online group lessons we schedule with you 5 lessons of 3 hours over 5 weeks.

Language level: A1+ to B2-


Speak more fluently (classical).

Combination of classical group lessons (15 hours), individual online coaching (5 hours) and a self-study track (min. 5 hours) before, during and after each session.

We focus on your overall oral skills.

For the classical group lessons, we schedule with you 2 full days + 1 half day of lessons during one intensive week.

Language level: A1+ to B2-


Learn quickly (online).

Online group lessons (6 hours) with a self-study track (3 hours) before, during and after each lesson.

We focus on one theme per workshop (presentations, meetings or informal communication).

We schedule 2 online lessons of 3 hours with you over 2 weeks.

Language level: B1- tot B2-

With BLCC you are in good hands.

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100% tailored to your needs.

A language course at BLCC is always customised, also for your Cevora language training.

We tailor the content of your language training to your job and professional context. This way you get the most out of your course. 

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Experienced business language trainers.

Our language trainers for Cevora have been carefully selected on the basis of their experience and expertise as trainers. 

The ideal match for your English language training!

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BLCC, proud partner of Cevora. 

For 20 years BLCC has been a loyal and proud partner of Cevora. Together we give our best to our customers every day.

The result? The ultimate Cevora Learning Experience. 

Our Cevora offer for your team?

Are your employees eligible for these free training courses through Cevora? Would you like to know the conditions and how to register?

Take a look at our subsidy overview or contact us for additional information.
Register now

Register for your English language training.


Do you want to take your language skills to the next level with our free language training courses via Cevora? 

Register now and get started with your personal language coach.